Burlington Bike Path, Burlington, Vermont - Parks, Recreation & Waterfront

Welcome to the Burlington Bike Path Website!
The City is currently working on two projects to enhance the Burlington Bike Path that may be of interest to our residents and visitors. For more information on each project please refer to this website frequently for project updates and click on one of the following projects:

Bike Path Rehabilitation

Bike Path RehabilitationLearn more

The Bike Path Rehabilitation Project proposes the rehabilitation of the approximate 8 mile multi-use path that runs through downtown Burlington and along the Lake Champlain waterfront. The project limits extend throughout the entire City of Burlington beginning with the southern terminus of the project at the path intersection with Queen City Park Road and extending northerly to the Winooski River Bridge.

Bike Path Intersections Scoping Report

Bike Path Intersections Scoping Study

The Intersections Scoping Study involved alternatives analysis for twelve (12) at-grade roadway crossings with the Burlington Bike Path. These crossings were examined for potential improvements to enhance user safety and wayfinding. The findings from this study were presented in a Scoping Report with short and long term crossing improvements. Short term improvements will be implemented as soon as possible, whereas alignment and larger scale solutions will be recommended for incorporation in the Rehabilitation Project.

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