Burlington Bike Path, Burlington, Vermont - Parks, Recreation & Waterfront
Public Bike Ride

Past Events

10/2/14 – Burlington Bike Path Rehabilitation Groundbreaking

Mayor Miro Weinberger and Parks, Recreation & Waterfront Director Jesse Bridges welcomed Governor Peter Shumlin, Speaker of the House Shap Smith, and Bike Path supporters for the groundbreaking ceremony for the Burlington Bike Path Rehabilitation project on October 2nd at 11:15 AM at Waterfront Park.

5/13/14 – Bike Path Public Informational Meeting

View video pageView a video of the Bike Path Public Informational Meeting

The City of Burlington Department of Parks & Recreation and VHB will share proposed bike path concepts and improvements, answer questions, and solicit input, comments, or concerns at this public meeting. The team will be seeking input from the community, abutting property owners, regulatory/resource agencies, and municipal officials - specifically in regard to the proposed path improvements from Perkins Pier to North Beach - to incorporate into the final design. A review of the proposed work and construction schedule will be followed by a question and answer period with an opportunity for those attending to present any questions or comments. This is a great opportunity to share your thoughts on the future design of the Bike Path!

1/14/14 – Bike Path Public Meeting

Conceptual plans for the rehabilitation of the Burlington Bike Path were reviewed and discussed with the public during a Parks and Recreation Commission meeting on January 14th. Comments and input were solicited by the City and the design team and can continue to be sent in here on the comment form. Thanks for all of the great feedback!

10/15/13 - Conceptual Improvements Public Meeting

The City of Burlington Department of Parks and Recreation hosted a public meeting on Tuesday, October 15th to discuss conceptual improvements to the Burlington Bike Path. The intent of the meeting was to receive input from municipal officials, regulatory/resource agencies, abutting property owners, and the general public in regard to the conceptual improvements. The presentation is available for your reference. A formal comment period will be open until Friday, October 25th, but as always feel free to submit any questions and comments here at any point throughout the project.

Public Bike Ride

10/5/13 - Public Bike Ride!

Saturday, October 5th the City of Burlington Department of Parks and Recreation hosted a bicycle tour of Bike Path with the Mayor, Miro Weinberger, and the Burlington Department of Public Works. Over 50 residents of Burlington rode alongside of the team offering input and asking questions along the way. The consultant teams working on the Parks Master Plan and the Bike Path Rehabilitation attended the ride to facilitate discussion and answer questions regarding the two projects. See the article from News Channel 5 for more detail!

8/20/13 - Intersection Scoping Study Alternatives Presentation

The CCRPC, City of Burlington, and VHB hosted a public meeting to present design alternatives for the Bike Paths twelve at-grade crossings involved with the study. All feedback was taken into consideration in developing a recommended alternative for the final scoping study report.