Burlington Bike Path, Burlington, Vermont - Parks, Recreation & Waterfront

Intersections Scoping Study


Bike Path Intersections Scoping Report

The Intersections Scoping Study has been completed by the City and the CCRPC which involved an alternatives analysis for twelve (12) at-grade roadway crossings with the Burlington Bike Path. These crossings were examined for potential improvements to enhance user safety and wayfinding. The findings from this study have been presented in a Scoping Report with short and long term crossing improvements here (Adobe PDF, 19.1MB). Short term improvements will be implemented as soon as possible whereas alignment and larger scale solutions will be recommended for incorporation in the Rehabilitation Project.

Project Objective

The objective of this project is to increase user safety and wayfinding at the crossings along the Burlington Bike Path.


Adobe PDF fileIntersections Scoping Study – Final Report (Adobe PDF, 19.1 MB)

Adobe PDF fileYield Sign Analysis (Adobe PDF, 0.5 MB)
At the City’s request VHB analyzed ten intersections to determine whether a yield sign may be appropriate on the path rather than a stop sign as currently exists in the locations today. Using sight distance triangles and typical cyclist speeds on the path it was determined that only a couple locations may be feasible for yield signs on the path. It is still undetermined whether or not this will be recommended as this will be further evaluated under the Bike Path Rehabilitation Project. The memorandum and PowerPoint presentation below describe this analysis in more detail.

Adobe PDF file8/20/13 Alternatives Presentation (Adobe PDF, 14.2 MB)
Adobe PDF file8/20/13 Presentation Support - Board 1 (Adobe PDF, 2.2 MB)
Adobe PDF file8/20/13 Presentation Support - Board 2 (Adobe PDF, 2.2 MB)
Adobe PDF file8/20/13 Presentation Support - Board 3 (Adobe PDF, 2.2 MB)
Adobe PDF file8/20/13 Presentation Meeting Notes (Adobe PDF, 0.3 MB)

Adobe PDF fileDraft Intersection Improvements Plans (Adobe PDF, 3.7 MB)

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